
Person reading outside of Interurban Writing Centre office

Writing Centre & Learning Skills

We provide supports to help you become a successful student. Get assistance with your academic writing or meet with a learning skills specialist to help with time management, preparing for exams and more.

Writing Centre

Learn effectiveand gain valuable skills to help you write well in college.

For more information about the Writing Centre, visit our . If you need additional help,contact us.


Prepare for your appointment

  • upload a copy of your assignment and your instructor's guidelines
  • choose the topic on which you want to focus

Not able to make your appointment?

  • cancel at least 30 minutes before your appointment using the booking system
  • missed appointments areconsidered a no-show;if you have more than 2no-shows, you may not be able to bookanotherappointment


If the Writing Centre schedule is full, you may submit your assignment to. On their web site, scroll down the page to select þƵ College.

Learning Skills

During fall and winter terms, online and in-person meetings are available with learning specialist Chrisa Hotchkiss. A link to Chrisa’s schedule will be available soon. In the meantime, you can email her at hotchkissc@camosun.ca if you would like to make an appointment.

    þƵ student enjoy using the computers in the library

    Learning Guides

    Online guidesto support your academic success!