
Technology Pathways

Technology sampler for
Indigenous peoples and women

A spit screen image of indigenous and women-identified.
Dive into the world of technology and explore new possibilities with our tuition-free Technology Pathway.

Over 15 weeks, you'll engage with civil and mechanical engineering, electronics, and computer science.

Why choose the Technology pathway?

  • Take advantage of a tuition-free opportunity with comprehensive support to help you succeed.
  • Explore several different technology programs before committing to one path. 
  • Study in B.C., one of the fastest growing technology hubs in North America.
  • Develop confidence in your ability to learn and succeed in the world of technology.
  • Technology careers can be rewarding and are generally well paid.
  • Learn in a supportive, encouraging environment of your peers.
  • Access college and academic support services for ongoing learning and career planning.

Contact us for more information about these new,
fully funded exploratory opportunities.

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