
VPN Client Instructions

พรพรสำฦตโ€™s Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows you to securely connect to พรพรสำฦต resources over the internet.

You can chat with student tech support Mondayโ€“Friday, from 8 amโ€“4 pm.


JavaScript is required for chat.

What is a Virtual Private Network (VPN)?

A VPN provides secure access from your computer to พรพรสำฦต resources, e.g., a computer lab workstation, files, and applications. Using a VPN allows you to access พรพรสำฦต resources as if you were on campus. พรพรสำฦต uses Cisco AnyConnect VPN client available for Windows, Mac, and Linux computers.

When is the VPN required?

The VPN is required to access certain on-campus network systems:


  • Colleague
  • WebReports
  • Shared drives
  • Remote desktop


  • Computer lab workstations
  • M: Drives

When is the VPN not required?

  • Microsoft Office 356 (including Outlook, OneDrive and Teams for employees
  • Myพรพรสำฦต
  • Adobe Creative Cloud
  • D2L

Important notes

  • Students: Limit the use of the พรพรสำฦต VPN for completing required course work in พรพรสำฦต computer labs which are governed by the Acceptable Technology Use policy.
  • If you are using a พรพรสำฦต loaner device and need to install the VPN client, contact the ITS Service Desk:

How to download and install the VPN Client

  • Launch your preferred web browser and go toย 
  • Log in with yourย 
Staff log in screen for vpn access - email example C000000@camosun.ca

Download and install the Cisco AnyConnect app:

Cisco vpn service screen to click continue
VPN download screen shot showing blue button to download AnyConnect.
VPN find download on your computer or in your browser downloads
CiscoAnyConnect next screen, click next button
VPN Cisco install screen, click install button
VPN Cisco install finish screen - click finish buttno

Live Chat

Online chat is normally available from 8am-4pm, Monday through Friday


JavaScript is required for chat.